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Partnering With the Governor’s Office and Administration 

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the hospital associations have advocated for hospitals with Gov. Newsom’s office and Administration on the importance of caring for all Californians — those with COVID-19 and those with other medical needs. Advancing hospitals’ needs at the highest levels of state government has included:

  • Recommendations on planning for COVID-19 resurgences to the California Health and Human Services Agency, and subsequent guidance to counties from the California Department of Public Health on surge planning. The guidance advises counties to consult with the state before issuing local health orders. It also clarifies that counties should consider the impact of local health orders that cancel scheduled surgeries and non-emergency procedures on the ability to provide medically necessary care — and that local health officers and county health care coalitions should co-convene hospitals to review the guidance on surge planning.

  • State guidelines for resuming deferred health care, including restarting scheduled admissions

  • request that the state take a more effective approach to testing policy

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